Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the use of the principles of historical-graphical approach in vocational education on the direction «Tourism». On the base of developed practical training devoted to the historical-graphical analysis of the sources of the XIII–XIX centuries, they examine the historical process of the formation of neutral or negative images of our country at the Europeans. In modern conditions it has a direct impact on the demand and interest in tourist trips to Russia. The article proposes and researches in detail the mechanisms of formation of tourist image of the country in two forms – subjective and objective. It’s noted that the the image of a country forming even without a direct visit/ And this image can be viewed as subjective, and potentially to be attractive (attractive), neutral, or repulsive (repellent). Historical-graphical practice during the practical training on discipline «Technology of the inbound tourism» shows the formation of mostly negative Russian image in the public perception of Europeans, today expression of negative tourism image of Russia, fears of tourist trips to the country. The article describes the technology of implementation of the method of historical-graphical analysis as the part of the training. It also describes the methods and forms of work with historical sources to identify perceptions of hospitality and tourism images of Russia formed in the writings of foreign travelers of XIII–XIX centuries. Also the article contains some fragments of descriptions of the peoples of Russia, their everyday life and customs contained in those writings, shaped the imaginative perception of the country. The article states the pedagogical effectiveness of technology use historical analysis to evaluate cause and effect the formation of negative or neutral tourist image of Russia among foreign tourists, due to its descriptions in the historical sources. The conclusion is made about necessity of development of marketing strategies for overcoming negative images and perceptions of Russia among potential users of its tourism programs.

technology, tourism, historical-graphical analysis in tourism, historical image of the country, perception of the country, model of formation of tourist image of the country, image of Russia in the publications of foreign travelers of XIII–XIX centuries

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