Rubrics: TOURISM
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Abstract (English):
The article gives an integrated assessment of tourist resources of Zadonsk district of Lipetsk region. The choice of this territory for analysis is due to the fact that a special regional level economic zone of tourist-recreational type "Zadonshchina" has been created here. The established autotourist cluster should unite enterprises and organizations that provide tourist and related services to create civilized conditions for autotourists. Such a unique platform for investments requires integrated analysis of the conditions for its development. A brief description of tourist objects and natural features is given that makes it possible to speak about potential opportunities for tourism development in Zadonsk district. The realization of these potential opportunities is connected with the transformation of objects and elements existing on the territory into tourist resources. For this, it is necessary to develop the tourist infrastructure, the main parameters of which are presented in the article. An integrated assessment of tourist resources takes into account the level of development of the tourist infrastructure and is represented by the method of cartographic taxonomy. The essence of the method is that the whole territory of Zadonsk district is considered as one tourist cluster. Separate territorial cells within this cluster are represented as tourist destinations, for which the assessment of tourist resources is given. A linear distribution of destinations with a complex combination of tourist resources was identified. Some problem destinations were detected as well. The social and economic analysis of the possible impact of the cartographic taxon, in which the construction of the objects of Zadonshchina autotourist cluster is planned on existing cartographic taxons with different levels of development of tourist resources, is given. Possible scenarios of interaction between the formed tourist destinations are described, their impact on Zadonsk tourist cluster as a whole is determined. tourist resources, autotourist cluster (ATC) "Zadonshchina", destination, cluster, cartographic taxon, tourist infrastructure

turistskie resursy, avtoturistskiy klaster (ATK) «Zadonschina», destinaciya, klaster, kartograficheskiy takson, turistskaya infrastruktura
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