Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the tourist destinations of the Moscow region, defined as the most important points to attract tourists, which development will contribute to the intensification of tourism development in the region. The program for the development of the inner and inbound types of tourism is a priority for Moscow region, as it allows to significantly increase the profitability of the local budget. This requires the implementation of measures of regional brand management. In particular, the identification of key points, destinations, their propaganda as major centers of tourist interest, market positioning of tourist product supply, new directions and packet services. The region has adopted and actively has been implementing the «Concept of tourism development in Moscow region», which identifies and lists 33 «objects of attraction» for tourists, and these objects are distributed among four «supporting tourism and recreation areas». The categorical composition of these objects is visualized on the thematic map «Major destinations and tourist and recreational areas of Moscow region.» As the results of the quantitative and categorical analysis of the most attractive objects of the Moscow region show, they are clearly dominated by cultural and educational, historical and architectural sites. A significant number of objects represent the spiritual heritage of the Russian people. Natural and industrial objects are represented to a much lesser extent. To some extent, the list of objects can be considered as representative of the entire Moscow region, but in territorial terms, they are spread unevenly and very poorly represented in the eastern supporting recreational area. The article presents the samples of the information and illustrative brochures, developed by the author, describing their unified structure and illustrations. An important consequent task is the need to further popularize and publicize tourism opportunities of these sites, the creation and maintenance of tourist information centers for them, the development of integrated tourism package proposals designed for long-term visitor.

destinations of Moscow region, priority points of tourist attraction, tourism resources development, supporting tourism and recreation areas, regional recreational clusters

Одной из задач развития туризма в России определена необходимость создания положительного образа страны в глазах самих ее граждан1, раскрытие туристского рекреационного и экскурсионного потенциала отдельных регионов и дестинации. 


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