Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: the article aims to systematize numerous euphemisms and dysphemisms on the topic of the physiology of women (menstruation) and arrange them according to the selected grounds. Methods: research methods are determined by the purpose and objectives of the research. The main method is descriptive, implemented in the techniques of systematization, generalization and interpretation of linguistic material. Linguistic methods include contextual analysis and semantic interpretation. Results: the topic of women’s physiology (menstruation) is covered by examples of euphemisms and dysphemisms, selected from dictionaries of euphemisms, dictionaries of rhyming slang, general slang, Internet sites and English-language fiction. The author proposes a thematic motivational classification based on a wide range of grounds, which are accompanied whenever possible by examples from fiction. Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used when highlighting the problems of euphemy in lectures and seminars in lexicology, stylistics, text interpretation.

euphemism, dysphemism, sex, physiology of women, menstruation, pregnancy
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