The organization and management of sea cargo transportation because of the difficult navigation conditions in the Arctic zone of Russia and the subarctic zone of the Russian Far East need an integrated approach to the introduction of information technologies using intelligent systems. The article is dedicated to the development of information intelligence systems for the organization and management of sea cargo transportation, taking into account the difficult navigation conditions. The structure of the Mamdani fuzzy logic system, implemented using the Matlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox mathematical package, is presented. The necessity of setting up the Mamdani fuzzy logic system on field data has been explained. The analysis of regular reports from captains of ice-class vessels, on the basis of which a training sample was formed from field data, has been carried out. To set up Mamdani models, the Optimization Toolbox tool in Matlab has been used. A new fuzzy Mamdani model with optimal membership functions and weights has been obtained. In the high-level programming language MATLAB using an interactive tool GUIDE, a program has been implemented that demonstrates the operation of Mamdani fuzzy logic system. The configured Mamdani modelis a component of the system for calculating the efficiency of the organization of sea cargo transportation in the Arctic conditions.
sea logistics, Arctic, fuzzy logic, Mamdani fuzzy logic
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