TY JOUR TI Novovoronezh NPP Experience in Applying the Methodology for Measurement the Activity, Radionuclide Composition of Radioactive Waste in the NZK type Containers Using the «Satellite» Software KW radioactive waste KW radionuclide KW container KW gamma-spectrometer KW measurement uncertainty KW software KW energy distribution of gamma radiation KW confirmatory measurements JO ANRI AU Povarov, V.P. AU Merem'yanin, A.Y. AU Stepin, N.V. AU Rosnovsky, S.V. AU Mel'nikov, E.S. AU Bulka, S.K. AU Yurchenko, E.I. AU Ivanov, E.A. AU Sharov, D.A. AU Korotkov, A.S. PY 2021 IS 0 PB Scientific-Production Enterprise “Dosa”