@article{Silaev2022bone, author={Silaev, V.I. and Anoykin, A.A. and Pavlenok, G.D. and Khazov, A.F. and Filippov, V.N. and Kiseleva, D.V. and Shanina, S.N. and Makeev, B.A. and Urazova, K.K.}, title={Bone remains of mammals from the Paleolithic site Ushbulak (North-Eastern Kazakhstan): archaeological context, mineralogical and geochemical properties and paleoecological reconstructions}, journal={Vestnik of geosciences}, publisher={FSBI FIC "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"}, year={2022}, pages={3-37}, volume={0}, issue={4}, }