TY JOUR TI Bone remains of mammals from the Paleolithic site Ushbulak (North-Eastern Kazakhstan): archaeological context, mineralogical and geochemical properties and paleoecological reconstructions KW Paleolithic KW Ushbulak site KW fossil bones KW mineralogical and geochemical properties KW paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstructions. JO Vestnik of geosciences AU Silaev, V.I. AU Anoykin, A.A. AU Pavlenok, G.D. AU Khazov, A.F. AU Filippov, V.N. AU Kiseleva, D.V. AU Shanina, S.N. AU Makeev, B.A. AU Urazova, K.K. PY 2022 IS 0 PB FSBI FIC "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"