TY JOUR TI Concept of Single Civil Procedure Code: Suggestions of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation KW Civil procedural law KW arbitration procedural law KW civil justice KW the types of civil proceedings KW special proceedings KW administrative proceedings KW access to justice KW an oral order of cases trial KW evidence and proof KW the unification of procedural law KW the appellate court acts verification KW the appeal proceedings KW the supervisory review. JO Journal of Russian Law AU Ganicheva, E.. AU Gabov, A.. AU Glazkova, M.. AU Kovtkov, D.. AU Maryshyeva, N.. AU Lyesnitskaya, L.. AU Zhuykov, V.. AU SHyelyutto, M.. PY 2015 IS 3 PB Legal publishing house Norm