LDR 00845naa#a2200217#i#450# 001 EN\\bibl\34838 003 /en/manage/index 005 20250326164028.3 011 ## _a2078-5356 100 ## _a20191223b2019####ek#y0engy0150####ca 102 ## _aRU 200 1# _aImplementation of the principle of differentiation of execution of punishment in the norms of criminal executive legislation Russian Federation _eJournal article 210 1# _aNizhny Novgorod _cNizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia _d2019 215 ## _a5 с. 608 ## _aJournal article _2local 675 ## _aПраво. Юридические науки. 34 _z 686 ## _aОбщие вопросы. 10.01 _2grnti 700 #1 _aKirillov _gMikhail Andreevich 700 #1 _aPetryanin _gAlexey V. 700 #1 _aSavelyev _gVladimir V. 856 4# _atest.editorum.ru _u/en/manage/index