01033naa#a2200229#i#450# EN\\bibl\4507 /en/manage/index 20250326025206.3 20201219b2020####ek#y0engy0150####ca RU Pressure compensation systems in the primary circuit of a nuclear power plant with a pressurized water reactor Conference article/thesis Nizhny Novgorod ANO "Scientific and Research Center for Information in Physics and Technique" 2020 3 с. Атомные электрические станции и установки. 14.02.01 local Conference article/thesis local Физика. 53 Физико-математические науки. 22 bbk Энергетическое и промышленное строительство. 5442 tbk Ядерная физика. 29.15 grnti Gorbatov S. A. Polunichev V. I. test.editorum.ru /en/manage/index