00861naa#a2200193#i#450# EN\RIOR\bibl\8110 /en/manage/index 20250321150211.5 20221221b2022####ek#y0engy0150####ca RU An undiagnosed rupture of the diaphragm during life with a closed blunt trauma to the chest and abdomen (a case from expert practice) Conference article/thesis Moscow Publishing Center RIOR 2022 6 с. Conference article/thesis local Судебная медицина. Судебная психология. Судебная химия. Судебно-медицинская экспертиза. 340.6 Semenov Sergey Leonidovich Semenova Valentina Alekseevna Bozhchenko Alexandr Petrovich test.editorum.ru /en/manage/index