Обложка журнала
Journal title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2306-627X (print) 2587-6287 (online)
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Requirements for the paper

The editors accept articles for publication in the following areas: pedagogy, psychology, history, philosophy, philology, sociology, political science and cultural studies. The article should be original, not previously published anywhere, not violating the copyrights of third parties.
The author’s material presented in the article should have elements of scientific novelty, have an applied orientation, disclose theoretical, methodological and practical issues of solving any actual problem, contain conclusions and recommendations. The text of the article should be accompanied by illustrative materials (tables, charts, graphs, diagrams, etc.).
The following structure is obligatory for the article: introduction, methods, results, discussion of results or conclusion (IMRAD format).
The uniqueness of the main text is at least 75%.
The recommended volume is between 20-40 thousand characters (including spaces), including annotation (in Russian and English. Languages), keywords (in Russian and English. Languages), a list of sources.
The list of sources should include both Russian and foreign publications.

Design requirements

The text should be typed in Microsoft Word, and savedin DOC, DOCX, or RTF formats. File name should include author's name and article's title.

Paper Structure:

  • name of the author, title;
  • abstract (100-250 words);
  • keywords (5-7 words or phrases, separated by semicolon);
  • full text of the article (the main text font : Times New Roman; font-size body text is 12 PT; margins: top and bottom - 2 sm, right and left - 3 sm; line spacing - single; indent the first line of the paragraph - 1,25 sm; text-align justify; references in formulas are given in parentheses; for formulas in the formula editor; pictures by means of Word; raster images are provided as separate JPG files of minimum 300 dpi resolution);
  • references;
  • information about the author: position, scientific degree, academic rank; the address information of the author(s) (organization(s), address(s); e-mail of all or one author).

To highlight text use bold and italic. It is recommended to use italic for examplesand bold for new terms and concepts.

It is not recommended to use UPPERCASE, sp a c i n g and an underscore; footnotes.

An author's photo should be included together with the text of the manuscript.

All Illustrative materials should be in TIFF or JPG filesof minimum 300 dpi resolution (if available).

This section is in progress.

Publishing procedure

Submitting manuscripts

You can submit an article:

  • either by registering on the Naukaru.ru website and filling the application form in your Personal Account;
  • or by e-mailing the article to mag3@naukaru.ru.

Note that your application must meet the Requirements for the paper.

Accepting manuscripts

On receiving an application the Editor- in-chief (or the Deputy-Chief Editor) decides whether the article matches the topics relevant to the journal and conforms to the Requirements for the paper.

Articles that do not qualifyare returned to the author with reasons for rejection.

Articles that satisfy the requirements are reviewed primarily by the members of the Editorial board.

Signing the Agreement

After the article is accepted for publication, the author signs License agreement with the publishing house, i.e. provides the necessary data, prints the contract, signs it and posts it to the publisher.


On being published in a journal issue the article is assigned DOI, and its metadata is supplied to the RSCI.

The author receives a conformation e-mail about publishing of his/her article.

The author can request a free PDF file of the article or buy a paper issue.

Reviewing and publishing of articles is free of charge.

Garnov Andrey  — Editor in chief
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Department of "World Financial Markets and Fintech", Professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Abdurahmanov K.  — chlen red. soveta
Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Tashkent ( Director)
doctor of economic sciences
Adamov N.  — chlen red. soveta
Institute for the Study of Commodity Distribution and the Market Situation in the Wholesale Market ( Director General)
doctor of economic sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Amurzhuev O. V.  — chlen red. soveta
VentureLAB ( Business Advisor)
doctor of economic sciences
Arhipov A.  — chlen red. soveta
Institute of Economics of Russian Academy of Sciences ( Chief Researcher)
doctor of economic sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Garnova V.  — Zamestitel' glavnogo redaktora
FGBOU VO «Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy universitet imeni G.V. Plehanova» (kafedra teorii menedzhmenta i biznes-tehnologiy, associate professor)
candidate of economic sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Gretchenko A.  — chlen red. soveta
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Scientific Research Institute "New Economics and Business", Director)
doctor of economic sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Goncharenko L.  — chlen redakcionnoy kollegii
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Scientific Research Institute "Innovative Economy", Director)
doctor of economic sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Odyegov YUriy  — Zamestitel' predsedatelya
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Nauchnaya shkola «Teorii i tehnologii menedzhmenta», glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of economic sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Kulikov V.  — chlen red. soveta
Ivanovo State University (Management Department, Head of Department)
doctor of economic sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Bykova O. N.  — editorial board member
FGBOU VO «Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy universitet im. G.V. Plehanova» (kafedra predprinimatel'stva i logistiki, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Zvyagin Leonid Sergeevich  — member of the editorial board
Finansovyy universitet pri Pravitel'stve RF (kafedra "sistemnyy analiz v ekonomike", docent)
candidate of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Kireeva Natalia  — editorial board member
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (entrepreneurship and logistics, associate professor)
candidate of economic sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Malahova E. V.  — associate editor
«Nacional'nyy issledovatel'skiy yadernyy universitet «MIFI», Institut mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy (kafedra mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy )
candidate of philosophical sciences
Russian Federation
Litvinenko Tat'yana Vladimirovna  — member of the editorial board
OOO «Megasoft» ( analitik)
Russian Federation
Filatova Tatyana V.  — editorial board member
Departament korporativnyh finansov i korporativnogo upravleniya Finuniversiteta pri Pravitel'stve RF ( professor)
candidate of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Semenov N.  — member of the editorial board
Humanitarian Institute (Scientific and Practical Center for Innovative Solutions and System Studies of Multilevel Socio-Economic Problems, Director)
doctor of economic sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Bryncev A. N.  — member of the editorial Board
Institute for Market Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences (Laboratory for Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting, Head)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Litvinenko T. V.  — executive Secretary
OOO «Megasoft» ( analitik)
Russian Federation
Zaharova E. V.  — editorial board member
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Department of Industrial Economics, Associate Professor)
candidate of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Abdikeev Niyaz  — a member of board
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Institute of Industrial Policy and Institutional Development, director)

Repnikova V.  — member of the editorial board
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Department of business and logistics, Professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Ordov K.  — Member of Editorial Board
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics ( Head)
doctor of economic sciences

Gagarina Galina Yur'evna  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of National and Regional Economics, head)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Sedova Nadezhda Vasil'evna  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of National and Regional Economics, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Gusarova Svetlana  — a member of board
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
doctor of economic sciences

Zaharova Natal'ya Vasil'evna  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of World Economy, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Ivanova Svetlana Vasil'evna  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of World Economy, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Alekseev Aleksandr Nikolaevich  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of Corporate Governance and Innovation, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Zhuravlev Pavel Viktorovich  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of Management Theory and Business Technologies, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Semenova Alla Anatol'evna  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of Management Theory and Business Technologies, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Morkovkin D. E.  — a member of board
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Department of Economic Theory, Associate Professor)
candidate of economic sciences

Teslenko Irina  — a member of board
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs (Department of Business Informatics and Economics, head of department)
doctor of economic sciences
, Russian Federation
Gubernatorov Aleksey  — a member of board
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs (Department of Business Informatics and Economics, Associate Professor)
doctor of economic sciences
, Russian Federation
Stepanov Aleksey Alekseevich  — a member of board
State University of Management (Department of Transport Complex Management, head of department)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Sklyankina Dar'ya  — Vypuskayuschiy redaktor
Russian Federation
INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.
Registration address
127282, g. Moskva, ul. Polyarnaya, d. 31V, str. 1
The certificate of registration of the periodical (print)
ФС 77-51019
Date of issue testifies to the registration of the newspaper (print)
The certificate of registration(online)
ЭЛ № ФС77-70444
Date of registration of the certificate(online)

Publisher: Infra-M Academic Publishing House

Address: 31B, bld. 1, Polyarnaya St., Moscow, 127282, Russia

The mission of the journal

"Economics of the Firm" is a new scientific and practical journal devoted to theoretical and practical problems of the firm's activity. Today, economic science solves the complex problems of the country modernization. In the context of globalization of the economy, Russia's accession to the WTO, the issues of the effectiveness of the functioning of certain economic entities, and the increase in the competitiveness of domestic business as a whole are of particular relevance. Despite the established economic knowledge, the practice constantly poses some new economic issues that require an early response and justification.

The purpose of the publication is the dissemination of modern economic knowledge and discussion of best practices of business organizations to improve the efficiency of the domestic economy and integrate it into the world economic space. The journal "Economics of the Firm", responding to its name, will regularly acquaint the readers with advanced innovative developments of prominent Russian and foreign scientists, profile specialists in various business areas.

The editorial board invites leading economists and established practitioners, as well as novice authors, who see the problems of modernization of the domestic economy and offer concrete solutions to their participation in publications. The journal conducts an independent policy of selecting manuscripts and is a platform for free scientific communication, all articles are compulsorily reviewed.

The pages of the journal will find their place with articles of theoretical and practical importance on a wide range of problems of sectoral and regional themes, macro and microeconomics, finance, money circulation, credit, resource saving, topical aspects of management.

We hope that the "Economics of the Firm" will be useful for readers and will not only increase the popularity of scientific research in the field of economics, but will also help ensure effective implementation of new promising developments and projects!

Periodicity - 4 issues per year.

The journal is included in the American database of the periodic and continuing editions of Ulrich's.

The subscription index in the directory of the agency "Rospechat" is 25180.

Requirements for the paper

The editors accept articles for publication in the following areas: pedagogy, psychology, history, philosophy, philology, sociology, political science and cultural studies. The article should be original, not previously published anywhere, not violating the copyrights of third parties.
The author’s material presented in the article should have elements of scientific novelty, have an applied orientation, disclose theoretical, methodological and practical issues of solving any actual problem, contain conclusions and recommendations. The text of the article should be accompanied by illustrative materials (tables, charts, graphs, diagrams, etc.).
The following structure is obligatory for the article: introduction, methods, results, discussion of results or conclusion (IMRAD format).
The uniqueness of the main text is at least 75%.
The recommended volume is between 20-40 thousand characters (including spaces), including annotation (in Russian and English. Languages), keywords (in Russian and English. Languages), a list of sources.
The list of sources should include both Russian and foreign publications.

Design requirements

The text should be typed in Microsoft Word, and savedin DOC, DOCX, or RTF formats. File name should include author's name and article's title.

Paper Structure:

  • name of the author, title;
  • abstract (100-250 words);
  • keywords (5-7 words or phrases, separated by semicolon);
  • full text of the article (the main text font : Times New Roman; font-size body text is 12 PT; margins: top and bottom - 2 sm, right and left - 3 sm; line spacing - single; indent the first line of the paragraph - 1,25 sm; text-align justify; references in formulas are given in parentheses; for formulas in the formula editor; pictures by means of Word; raster images are provided as separate JPG files of minimum 300 dpi resolution);
  • references;
  • information about the author: position, scientific degree, academic rank; the address information of the author(s) (organization(s), address(s); e-mail of all or one author).

To highlight text use bold and italic. It is recommended to use italic for examplesand bold for new terms and concepts.

It is not recommended to use UPPERCASE, sp a c i n g and an underscore; footnotes.

An author's photo should be included together with the text of the manuscript.

All Illustrative materials should be in TIFF or JPG filesof minimum 300 dpi resolution (if available).

This section is in progress.

Publishing procedure

Submitting manuscripts

You can submit an article:

  • either by registering on the Naukaru.ru website and filling the application form in your Personal Account;
  • or by e-mailing the article to mag3@naukaru.ru.

Note that your application must meet the Requirements for the paper.

Accepting manuscripts

On receiving an application the Editor- in-chief (or the Deputy-Chief Editor) decides whether the article matches the topics relevant to the journal and conforms to the Requirements for the paper.

Articles that do not qualifyare returned to the author with reasons for rejection.

Articles that satisfy the requirements are reviewed primarily by the members of the Editorial board.

Signing the Agreement

After the article is accepted for publication, the author signs License agreement with the publishing house, i.e. provides the necessary data, prints the contract, signs it and posts it to the publisher.


On being published in a journal issue the article is assigned DOI, and its metadata is supplied to the RSCI.

The author receives a conformation e-mail about publishing of his/her article.

The author can request a free PDF file of the article or buy a paper issue.

Reviewing and publishing of articles is free of charge.

                        Goloschapova I. A.
Goloschapova I. A. FGBOU VO “Altayskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet”
candidate of economic sciences

                        Grachyeva Y. V.
Grachyeva Y. V. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) (Department of Criminal Law, Head)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences


                        Gretchenko A. A.
Gretchenko A. A. candidate of economic sciences

                        Gretchenko A.
Gretchenko A. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Scientific Research Institute "New Economics and Business", Director)
doctor of economic sciences

                        Gribincha A. A.
Gribincha A. A. Moldova State University ( Postgraduate Student)

                        Grigor'ev K. A.
Grigor'ev K. A. Saint Petersburg State University of Economics (Department of State and Territorial Administration, Associate Professor)
candidate of economic sciences

                        Grinev N. N.
Grinev N. N. D. Mendeleyev Russian University of Chemical Technology (Management and Marketing Department, Associate Professor)
candidate of economic sciences

                        Grineva A.
Grineva A. FGBOU VO «Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy universitet im. G.V. Plehanova» ( Master’s Degree Student)

                        Grischenko P. M.
Grischenko P. M. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics ( Student)

                        Gusarova Svetlana
Gusarova Svetlana Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
doctor of economic sciences

                        Gylka K.
Gylka K. University of European Studies of Moldova
candidate of economic sciences


                        Danko Tamara
Danko Tamara Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Marketing Department, Professor)
doctor of economic sciences

                        Devyatkin O.
Devyatkin O. ZAO "RUSSIMASH" ( Director General)
candidate of economic sciences

                        Dyevyatkin Olyeg Vladimirovich
Dyevyatkin Olyeg Vladimirovich Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Kafedra ekonomiki promyshlennosti, Assistant Professor)
candidate of economic sciences


Garnov Andrey  — Editor in chief
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Department of "World Financial Markets and Fintech", Professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Abdurahmanov K.  — chlen red. soveta
Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Tashkent ( Director)
doctor of economic sciences

Adamov N.  — chlen red. soveta
Institute for the Study of Commodity Distribution and the Market Situation in the Wholesale Market ( Director General)
doctor of economic sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Amurzhuev O. V.  — chlen red. soveta
VentureLAB ( Business Advisor)
doctor of economic sciences

Arhipov A.  — chlen red. soveta
Institute of Economics of Russian Academy of Sciences ( Chief Researcher)
doctor of economic sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Garnova V.  — Zamestitel' glavnogo redaktora
FGBOU VO «Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy universitet imeni G.V. Plehanova» (kafedra teorii menedzhmenta i biznes-tehnologiy, associate professor)
candidate of economic sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Gretchenko A.  — chlen red. soveta
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Scientific Research Institute "New Economics and Business", Director)
doctor of economic sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Goncharenko L.  — chlen redakcionnoy kollegii
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Scientific Research Institute "Innovative Economy", Director)
doctor of economic sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Odyegov YUriy  — Zamestitel' predsedatelya
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Nauchnaya shkola «Teorii i tehnologii menedzhmenta», glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of economic sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Kulikov V.  — chlen red. soveta
Ivanovo State University (Management Department, Head of Department)
doctor of economic sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Bykova O. N.  — editorial board member
FGBOU VO «Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy universitet im. G.V. Plehanova» (kafedra predprinimatel'stva i logistiki, professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Zvyagin Leonid Sergeevich  — member of the editorial board
Finansovyy universitet pri Pravitel'stve RF (kafedra "sistemnyy analiz v ekonomike", docent)
candidate of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Kireeva Natalia  — editorial board member
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (entrepreneurship and logistics, associate professor)
candidate of economic sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Malahova E. V.  — associate editor
«Nacional'nyy issledovatel'skiy yadernyy universitet «MIFI», Institut mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy (kafedra mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy )
candidate of philosophical sciences

Russian Federation
Litvinenko Tat'yana Vladimirovna  — member of the editorial board
OOO «Megasoft» ( analitik)

Russian Federation
Filatova Tatyana V.  — editorial board member
Departament korporativnyh finansov i korporativnogo upravleniya Finuniversiteta pri Pravitel'stve RF ( professor)
candidate of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Semenov N.  — member of the editorial board
Humanitarian Institute (Scientific and Practical Center for Innovative Solutions and System Studies of Multilevel Socio-Economic Problems, Director)
doctor of economic sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Bryncev A. N.  — member of the editorial Board
Institute for Market Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences (Laboratory for Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting, Head)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Litvinenko T. V.  — executive Secretary
OOO «Megasoft» ( analitik)

Russian Federation
Zaharova E. V.  — editorial board member
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Department of Industrial Economics, Associate Professor)
candidate of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Abdikeev Niyaz  — a member of board
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Institute of Industrial Policy and Institutional Development, director)

Repnikova V.  — member of the editorial board
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Department of business and logistics, Professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Ordov K.  — Member of Editorial Board
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics ( Head)
doctor of economic sciences


Gagarina Galina Yur'evna  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of National and Regional Economics, head)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Sedova Nadezhda Vasil'evna  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of National and Regional Economics, professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Gusarova Svetlana  — a member of board
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
doctor of economic sciences

Zaharova Natal'ya Vasil'evna  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of World Economy, professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Ivanova Svetlana Vasil'evna  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of World Economy, professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Alekseev Aleksandr Nikolaevich  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of Corporate Governance and Innovation, professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Zhuravlev Pavel Viktorovich  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of Management Theory and Business Technologies, professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Semenova Alla Anatol'evna  — a member of board
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov" (Department of Management Theory and Business Technologies, professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Morkovkin D. E.  — a member of board
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Department of Economic Theory, Associate Professor)
candidate of economic sciences

Teslenko Irina  — a member of board
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs (Department of Business Informatics and Economics, head of department)
doctor of economic sciences

, Russian Federation
Gubernatorov Aleksey  — a member of board
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs (Department of Business Informatics and Economics, Associate Professor)
doctor of economic sciences

, Russian Federation
Stepanov Aleksey Alekseevich  — a member of board
State University of Management (Department of Transport Complex Management, head of department)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Sklyankina Dar'ya  — Vypuskayuschiy redaktor

Russian Federation


Code 33
Name Экономика. Экономические науки

Journal's mission

Publisher: Infra-M Academic Publishing House

Address: 31B, bld. 1, Polyarnaya St., Moscow, 127282, Russia

The mission of the journal

"Economics of the Firm" is a new scientific and practical journal devoted to theoretical and practical problems of the firm's activity. Today, economic science solves the complex problems of the country modernization. In the context of globalization of the economy, Russia's accession to the WTO, the issues of the effectiveness of the functioning of certain economic entities, and the increase in the competitiveness of domestic business as a whole are of particular relevance. Despite the established economic knowledge, the practice constantly poses some new economic issues that require an early response and justification.

The purpose of the publication is the dissemination of modern economic knowledge and discussion of best practices of business organizations to improve the efficiency of the domestic economy and integrate it into the world economic space. The journal "Economics of the Firm", responding to its name, will regularly acquaint the readers with advanced innovative developments of prominent Russian and foreign scientists, profile specialists in various business areas.

The editorial board invites leading economists and established practitioners, as well as novice authors, who see the problems of modernization of the domestic economy and offer concrete solutions to their participation in publications. The journal conducts an independent policy of selecting manuscripts and is a platform for free scientific communication, all articles are compulsorily reviewed.

The pages of the journal will find their place with articles of theoretical and practical importance on a wide range of problems of sectoral and regional themes, macro and microeconomics, finance, money circulation, credit, resource saving, topical aspects of management.

We hope that the "Economics of the Firm" will be useful for readers and will not only increase the popularity of scientific research in the field of economics, but will also help ensure effective implementation of new promising developments and projects!

Periodicity - 4 issues per year.

The journal is included in the American database of the periodic and continuing editions of Ulrich's.

The subscription index in the directory of the agency "Rospechat" is 25180.

Zamestitel' glavnogo redaktora
Garnova V.
Zamestitel' predsedatelya
Odyegov YUriy
Vypuskayuschiy redaktor
Sklyankina Dar'ya
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