Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article features of designs of steering managements and suspension brackets of forest cars from the point of view of oscillatory systems are consid-ered. This analysis is necessary for development of the concept of mathematical model of oscillatory system.

steering, oscillatory system, stability, movement

1. Skrypnikov, A. V. Povyshenie nadezhnosti tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya parka podvizhnogo sostava, spetsializiruyushchegosya na perevozke lesnykh gruzov [Tekst] : monografiya / A. V. Skrypnikov, E. V. Kondrashova, K. A. Yako-vlev FGBOU VPO «VGLTA». – Moskva : «Flinta», 2012. – 152 s.

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