The article describes the low‐invasive method for the differential diagnosis of formations in the projection of the thyroid gland and adjacent soft tissues of the neck (application for invention number 2014146341). The objective of the study was to develop a low‐invasive method of preoperative differential diagnosis of neck structures visualized by ultrasound to reduce trauma performed diagnostic procedures and to reduce the time to clarify the diagnosis in determining the subsequent treatment. The purpose is achieved in the implementation of ultrasound‐guided fine‐needle aspiration biopsy of formation in the projection of the thyroid gland and adjacent soft tissues of the neck with one‐stage fence material one needle through one skin puncture for determination of three parameters: the level of parathyroid hormone, thyroglobulin and to perform cytology. Depending on the outcomes, the proposed method allows to carry out a reliable differential diagnosis between formation cyst of the parathyroid gland, node/cyst of the thyroid gland, thyroid cancer, lymph node or metastasis cancer of the thyroid gland in the lymph node, and thus greatly to reduce the trauma diagnostic procedures and the time to clarify the diagnosis and choice of volume of operative treatment in patients with hyperparathyroidism, nodal forms of goiter, thyroid cancer and recurrence of these diseases. The proposed method is economical and easy to carry out, applicable to inpatient and outpatient basis without anesthesia.
hyperparathyroidism, cancer of the thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, lymph node, fineneedle aspiration biopsy, parathyroid hormone, thyroglobulin, cytologic conclusion.
В настоящее время ультразвуковое исследова‐
ние (УЗИ) является одним из основных методов
первичной диагностики образований в проек‐
ции щитовидной железы (ЩЖ) и прилежащих
мягких тканей шеи. Такими образованиями мо‐
гут являться доброкачественный узел ЩЖ, аде‐
нома или рак ЩЖ, аденома или гиперплазия
околощитовидной железы (ОЩЖ), лимфатический
узел (ЛУ), метастаз рака ЩЖ в ЛУ. Неправиль‐
ный выбор лечебно‐диагностической тактики у
пациентов с образованиями в проекции ЩЖ и
прилежащих мягких тканях может привести к
задержке постановки диагноза, ненужным лабо‐
раторным исследованиям, ненужной операции,
ятрогенным осложнениям и даже смерти боль‐
ного, в зависимости от этиологии патологиче‐
ского процесса.