Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article deals with the doctors working in conditions of combat situation. Stressors, effecting on civilian physician in ordinary everyday practical work within the profession are differ from those in combat. Since civilian doctors are in the same combat conditions as other soldiers, they are also exposed to combat stressors specific and non-specific to the combat situation. Civilian doctors in a combat situation, often neglected the risk, assess it inappropriately, violate well-established discipline, as the task of providing emergency assistance reaches. In this context, the purpose of this study was to demonstrate the complexity of the use of nonpharmacological methods in psychosomatic disorders in civilian doctors performing their responsibilities in the combat situations. Diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures were determined on the basis of a holistic approach to patients. The authors used the methods of reflexology, homeotherapy and practical psychology (holodynamics). Therapeutic process was planned in such a way as to reduce the risk of exacerbations, particularly during combined use of methods, as it was the limited by time factor.

doctors, combat situation, psychosomatic medicine, reflexology, homeotherapy, holodynamics

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