This work is devoted to the phenomenon occurring in long-term damage to the biologically active zones (BAZ) by metal spokes and leading to local and general disorders of the organism corresponding to the specific damaged BAZ. On a large clinical material of the application of the apparatuses for external trans-osseous fixation for the treatment of injuries of bones and joints, the author found the phenomenon of energetic exchange between the organism and environment, occurring through BAZ and representing a link of the functional system of adaptive regulation. This allows to attribute the disorders of the normal energetic exchange due to the skin damage, to important pathogenetic factors that must be considered in the treatment of trauma patients. For the first time, the nature of some complications developing in long-term trauma of BAZ, is established and scientifically proven. For the first time in academic medicine, the position on the role of BAZ as a functional system of adaptive regulation of the human body, is proposed and experimentally substantiated.
biologically active zone (BAZ), apparatuses for external trans-osseous fixation (AETOF), the electric skin conductivity (ESC), potential difference, postoperative complications.
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