The problem of preservation of states’ sovereignty and protection of their constitutional system is topical and demands careful scientific judgment. Undoubtedly, the leading role in the solution of the specified problem belongs to constitutional legal support in combating illegal infringement on the constitutional system which is an integral part of the constitutional system’s protection system and acts as an indicator of the level of constitutionalism and realization of constitutional and legal values. Steady integrative tendencies of the international extremism and terrorism development compel states to form consolidated approaches to combating infringement on the constitutional system. Development of theoretical aspects, and also conceptual provisions of development and improvement of constitutional legal support in combating illegal infringement on the constitutional system in the context of developing the constitutional system’s protection system is of particular importance, and the existing shortcomings in the reviewed sphere predetermine relevance of such work. The theoretical importance of the article is in systematization of knowledge about the content and implementation of constitutional legal support in combating illegal infringement on the constitutional system of the state. The practical importance of article is in defining and justifying of the prerogative directions of development of constitutional and legal values whose realization promotes the increase in the safety level for individuals, society and the state, and the creation of the relevant preventive complexes.
Constitutional and legal values, state, constitutional order, combating.
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