Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is about the forms of joint commercial activities, contained in Book 3 “Legal Entities” of the Civil Code of Hungary, which came into force in March, 2014. The Code does not divide legal entities into commercial and non-profit organizations. On the basis of the analysis of the list of legal forms of commercial organizations the author distinguishes legal entities, whose activities are aimed at receiving profits. These forms are: business partnerships, cooperatives, business combinations and groups of enterprises. The article describes general conditions, which are typical for all forms of commercial legal units. The article pays much attention to business partnerships and their types, such as simple partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships and joint – stock companies. The article describes some important changes in the field of commercial legal entities. For example, according to the Civil Code of Hungary simple partnerships and limited partnerships are vested with the right of legal entities. Besides, the Civil Code introduces a new for the Hungarian legislation form of commercial activities between organizations which is called a group of enterprises.

Civil Code of Hungary, legal entity, enterprise, company, partnerships, commercial organization, corporation, reorganization, legal status, cooperative, share, profit, statute, property, mergers, register, legal situation, administration.

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