The development problems of mathematical and information support for forecasting economic processes and curricula in an agent model of experimental economics are considered. To solve the problems listed in the agent model there is provided a creation of a special program module “Economics and Education”. The module development was carried out through the methods of a structural analysis and designing allowing the communication installation of document files and computing units of the module. To form a forecast of economics requirements in personnel with higher vocational education there was used information of the structure of the employed for a reference year (in the context of aggregative groups of specialties), a forecast of development dynamics in separate kinds of economic activity, the expected indices of birth and death rate. Input, output and inner information files of a software module are shown as onedimensional and twodimensional matrices. At the output of the software module there was obtained a plan of applicant enrollment in aggregative groups of specialties beginning from a reference year. In conclusion the analysis of the applicability limits of the offered simulator and application possibilities for a scenario analysis of economic dynamics for the adequacy increase of economics development forecast is carried out.
experimental economics, agent model, matrix operation, software module, information assurance, mathematical assurance
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