Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with customer-oriented approach as a fundamental factor for achieving stability of the financial and economic indicators for the operation and growth of the tourism enterprise. The article provides recommendations to generate measures that will ensure the development of the company through high class service offerings. Customer-oriented approach is the one of the most important conditions for the tourism company’s success. In this case, rendering of tourist services is based on understanding and meeting the needs of consumers. . The main purpose of customer orientation is achieving consumer satisfaction and, as a consequence, retention and preservation of it. Organizational difficulties arise in the selection of personnel for work in tourist enterprises. The standards of functioning of tourism enterprises depend not only on the competitive environment, but also on capabilities of organization purely individualized products according to customer needs. The peculiarities of the financial and economic situation are forced to look for solutions related to investment processes. Travel company not only organizes tours, but forms the very concept of recreation through promoting and positioning certain opportunities for spending time. Virtually any company working in the sphere of tourist services considers customer-oriented approach as one of its key competitiveness factors. Today, in times of the crisis, the problem of customer loyalty is even more updated. Tourism businesses are no exception. The large tourism company and small travel agencies look for "their" customers, and when finding, try to provide them comfort, convenience in the provision of tourist services, and wish to maintain a benevolent attitude. The formation of customer loyalty to tourism enterprise remains one of the main management goals of any travel company. High degree of customer loyalty and devotedness to the company is almost fanatical veneration of the brand, trademarks of the organization.

customer-oriented approach, service, maintenance, tourism, structure

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