The authors analyze the experience of managing pre-market employment in the Russian economy in the 1970s-80s, with the planned balance of labour resources. The data for the years 1970-1989 in the context of the economic regions of the RSFSR, and their constituent regions. The system of indicators included in the balance of labour resources, enables to assess the excesses and drawbacks of the labour force in the region from the standpoint of the need for them in social economy. This allows you to take measures to prevent the development of unemployment. Such measures include investing in creating new jobs and stimulating the migration outfl ow of excess workforce. Heralds of high levels of unemployment in certain regions were marked in Soviet times. Indirect information about them could be found in terms of balance of labour resources. This was confi rmed by the situation on the regional labour markets in the conditions of market economy. However, the mechanisms that prevent the growth of unemployment and poverty have been lost and not used. As a result of the natural development of the situation on the regional labour markets in the 2000s, there is continued growth in unemployment in the regions with the highest level of this indicator. Regional diff erences in the level and quality of life of the population stand out against the background of this process. That leads to the intensifi cation of internal migration processes designed from a relatively sparsely populated regions of the country to the relatively densely populated ones. The process of uneven development in the resettlement of the population on the territory of the Russian Federation is going on. The necessity of state intervention in the regulation of the formation and use of labor resources in the regional labour markets is very urgent. The return to using the balance sheet method is suggested as the main analytical and planning tool. This will enable to pursue an eff ective employment policy, in accordance with modern processes aff ecting the composition of the workforce as well as to. Consider the possibility of providing the domestic labour market due to redistribution and use of own labour resources, and to simulating the need to attract additional sources of labour resources in the form of foreign labour.
еmployment, unemployment, a labour market, a labour force balance.
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