Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In modern conditions of development of the tourism and hospitality industry and trends of import substitution there is a need for training of top managers, able to lead the charge in creating new tourist-recreational territories, tourist and resort hotel complexes, their strategic management, the construction or reconstruction. The most important task of this stage is the improvement of higher education and adapting modern trends to the development of educational programs of magistracy. The research allows to identify not only the main functions of managers of hotels and hotel operators network, which are not only in the management of personnel and technological processes, financial operations, development strategies, but also long-term investment activities associated with the design of both the hotel complex and all the business processes for its launch and subsequent operation. The authors propose to introduce a new discipline – “Hotel development”, which should form competences, based on legislative, engineering and economic knowledge. This will help future masters to interact with the participants of the investment project, hotel and tourist and recreational complexes (design organizations, government agencies, etc.), to evaluate investment projects and the concept of the hotel/ tourist and recreational complexes. The article is based on the analysis of new professional standards, the main result of which was the development of recommendations to the educational program of graduate training in the direction of “Hospitality”, taking into account the required knowledge, skills and abilities of future managers of the hospitality enterprises. Recommendations for educational program take into account also the requirements to the common cultural and professional competences of the Federal state educational standard of higher education (FSES3+), approved on July 3, 2015.

master, educational program, hospitality, hotel operator, Manager, hotel complex, hotel network, hotel development, professional development

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