Tomsk, Russian Federation
Tomsk, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Introduction. A growing interest to active thermal/infrared non-destructive testing (T/I NDT) is conditioned by broadening use of composites in high-tech industries, particularly in aerospace. Thermal method has proven to be convenient for both defect detection/characterization and analysis of composite anisotropic thermal properties. Method. This paper describes in short some new approaches to T/I NDT with emphasis being made on research conducted at National Tomsk Polytechnic University. LED heating is illustrated by applying the thermal wave technique to the detection of corrosion in metals. Results. Two examples of commercial prototypes of T/I NDT units are given. Some examples of inductive and low-energy ultrasonic stimulation are presented. Conclusion. T/I NDT techniques provide solutions for testing composites and metals where defects cannot be detected by using common testing techniques and the inspection procedure should be non-contact, fast and safe.
thermal testing, infrared thermography, LED, image processing
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