Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. Typical aviation constructions of polymer composite materials, which can be inspected with Through Transmission Ultrasonic Technique (TTUT), include sandwich panels with fillers of different types and bonded constructions. Depending on the required sensitivity, material acoustic characteristics and available equipment, there are several ways of acoustic contact creation using different probes: contact probes with a silicone protector; wheel probes; air coupled probes; water coupled non-contact probes. The task of the research was to determine the most reliable type of the acoustic contact for defect detection in dependence on the type of a polymer composite construction. Method. A set of specimens was made for the research, which included 10 sandwich panels with polymer honeycomb fillers of different heights and comb sizes, 2 sandwich panels with foamed fillers of different heights and 2 bonded constructions with different adhesives. In every specimen were made artificial defects. The experiment included defect detection and measuring in all the specimens with TTUT for all types of acoustic contact creation. Results. The experiment enabled requirements for the TTUT parameters to be formulated; efficiency of each type of acoustic contact creation to be defined. The recommendations on TTUT usage for every type of the construction were given. Conclusion. The research results have confirmed the efficiency and good perspectives of TTUT usage for non-destructive testing of polymer composite constructions.

manual through transmission ultrasound technique, sandwich construction, bonded construction, polymer composite material, acoustic contact

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