Nature of conflicts in global world is in fact a collision of opposite interests and the purposes. Conflictness and negativity (as they are «troublemakers») are considered as a creative function of new communication. Conflict is put in center of international relations in classical geopolitics. At the end of the 20th century ethnonational and ethnoconfessional conflicts were widely adopted. Contradictory processes of globalization that take place in today’s society, aggravate problems which exist or generate new problems. Logical and philosophical analysis of two key concepts – «global challenges» and «global threats» – makes us understand they aren’t equivalent. Global challenges are general world problems that can be estimated as a consequence of new factors of world’s development breaking stability of normal functioning of mechanisms of reproduction of public life, intercivilization relations, international political and economic relations in borders of the contemporary world order. «Threat» is indicated specifically by means of demonstration of its source. Сoncrete military-political and economic global threats are terrorism, religious extremism, ethnic hostility, uncontrollable migration, illegal traffic in arms.
globalization, culture, civilization, conflict, multiculturalism, break.
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