Russian Federation
Constitutional processes in the contemporary world are flowing slowly, then quickly, then subside. This is due to a real role in the lives of states and their impact on social processes. The strongest influence is achieved in terms of preparation and holding of the constitutional reform, when there are qualitative changes in the structure of political power, legislation, institutes for economic and social development. Therefore careful preparation of the reform allows to anticipate and eliminate risk, and ensure flexible regulation of course of constitutional reforms. The intended purposes of the reform as for the experience of various countries are achieved when “constitutional cycles” are taken into account, when on a systematic basis institutional, legal and other elements of the reform are prepared and implemented, when civil society supports the constitutional reforms. Conversely, failure to follow these requirements inevitably can reduce the potential for constitutional reforms. Therefore, the current value is to study the dynamics of the constitution as “a legal growth” between national and international law.
Constitution, constitutional process, constitutional reforms, political authority, legislation.
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