Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the institutional organization of integration associations of the Eurasian space. On the example of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Union State the main problems arising in connection with the activities of integration associations administration is shown, the gaps that hinder the implementation of the taken decisions are highlighted. The effectiveness of the operation of any integration association, including the integration associations of the Eurasian region, depends not only on external factors, but also on the quality of the research of institutional mechanisms. Specific types of bodies that construct the institutional system of integration associations, their competence, order of formation and functioning will depend on the chosen form of integration, its actually achieved level, the degree of political influence and economic development of States parties. The increasing complexity of integration relations from the move from one stage to another, expanding the scope of integration interaction causes the need to improve the institutional framework, expand the competence of the individual organs, optimization mechanism for implementing the adopted decisions of bodies of integration associations, increase of the quantity of these bodies, the number and diversity of acts adopted by them. In addition, the transition to more complex forms of integration associated with the transfer to the supranational level of regulation specific range of issues which are the subject of exclusive jurisdiction of the bodies of integration associations.

Integration, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Customs Union, the Union State, the Eurasian Economic Commission, integration associations, institutional mechanisms, controls.

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