Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
On the basis of the provisions of environmental legislation, as well as laws on local self-government of the United States, the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States the comparative legal analysis of the self-government authority in the field of environmental protection is given. The specifics of powers of citizens’ self-government institute (mahalla) in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the sphere of environmental protection are determined. The classification of the environmental authorities of self-government bodies in such four key areas as organizing and conducting of environmental education and conservation work on the ground, implementation of public environmental control, the realization of the economic mechanism of nature protection and management in the field of ecology is offered. The conclusion about the possibility of using of the rules laid down in the legislation of studied states in the domestic legislation is made. The priority areas for further extension of powers of environmental government agencies are proposed. The prospects for improving the legal rules for the participation of self-government bodies in the field of nature protection, the expansion of the powers of environmental authorities of the self-government bodies in the field of environmental rights of citizens, as well as the strengthening of mechanisms to ensure environmental information by the selfgovernment bodies are studied.

Comparative law, environmental legislation, local self-government, self-government bodies, “Mahalla”, the municipality, community, environment, public environmental monitoring, environmental authorities.

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