The common purpose of investigation – development of theory and methods of open-closed” systems design. The investigation problems: development of criteria for the functional compatibility of an electric drive and stop valve within the limits of a system, the classification of “electric drive –stop valve” systems from the position of energy sources used, that allows increasing a technical effectiveness, competitiveness of domestic produce and defining the ways for the realization of the priority trend of the RF in the field of import substitution. The paper is a generalization of theoretical and practical investigations of the author directed to the development of a complex approach to the design of “electric drive – stop drive” systems. The paper reposts theoretical prerequisites for the introduction of a new scientific classification of “electric drive-stop valve” systems from the position of energy types used for the realization of the “open-closed” working cycle. Basic classification variants of systems, signs of transition of one system into other, system properties within the limits of the classification offered are shown.
classification, electric drive, pipeline stop valve, energy source
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