Samara, Russian Federation
The obgect of research is the wheat grain yield improving by reducing the infestation of spring wheat. The research was carried out in 2013-2014 in the experimental fields of the Volga PRSISSP of P. N. Konstantinov in crops of spring wheat varieties Kinelskaya 59. Assessment of the abundance of field bindweed was carried out according to the method of Drude. Then the selected sheaves are dried and dealt into crop and weed components. In harmfulness field bindweed affects weather conditions of the growing season. Under the influence of field bindweed yield of spring wheat in arid 2013 decreased by 20% and more humid in 2014 by 44%. Dry weight stalks field bindweed in 2013 was 1.1 g, and in 2014 – 2.8 g, which determined its harmfulness higher in 2014. The loss of productivity of wheat grain under the influence of bindweed field in droughty 2013 happened, first of all, due to reduction of above-ground mass of wheat. This reduces the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus and the mass of heads. In more favorable to the development of culture and the weeds 2014, the biological yield of wheat decreased, primarily due to the decrease of productive tillering, the number of productive stems and grain weight per ear. Correlation between dry mass of field bindweed and the elements of productivity were authentic. The dispersive analysis showed reliability of the provided data.
arvensis, convolvulus, spring, wheat, elements, efficiency, losses
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