The Russian-West conflict is a multicomponent phenomenon of the international relations, proceeding at the same time at several levels of the politico-economical and politico-ideological propaganda antagonism. In focus thus there are discussions and mutual reproaches on the character of a political system, level of freedom and observance of human rights in each of «camps», and also critical indications on value-conscious aspects of economic interaction, including in the sphere of energy. The similar format of the argument and promotion of the foreign policy position very quickly leads to double standards when the reality of power and pipeline politics appears to be in contradiction to the ideological dogmas about democracies and the autocracies as desirable and undesirable partners for the West. The western policy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) appears one of the most striking examples of such double standards. Interest in Iran as the supplier of hydrocarbons (that is alternative to Russia) forced the USA and the EU actively to draw IRI as the worthy and acceptable partner. Concerning such a partner it is admissible and even it is desirable to reduce the level of public criticism concerning its internal political system, level of freedom of the internal political competition, observance of human rights, freedoms of private life, freedom from rigid ideological or religious dictate. Similarly it is admissible to accept a sharp decrease in fears concerning foreign policy of the «improved» («reformed») country, even about its opportunities for creation of risks for other states. Proliferation risks for the weapons of mass destruction are ignored, and the West in these conditions consciously refuses to listen to a position of the Iran’s neighboring countries, including Israel and Sunni monarchies of the Persian Gulf, which view of «peacefulness» of Tehran absolutely differ from that in Washington or in the European capitals. Additional argument of «whitewash» of Iran comes with the need to oppose this case in a propaganda sense to the case with Russia — this country is not ready to make significant concessions to the West in exchange for easing of sanctions.
autocracy, Russia-West conflict, Iran, energy politics, Russia-Iran relations, pipeline politics.
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