Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective of research: To study the abundance of adult of flies and their larvae in a pig farm in the fall two weeks before the end of the production cycle. Materials and methods: The abundance of adult flies and their larvae was investigated in September - October 2015 at the pig farm “Kuznetsovsky” of Moscow region in two sow houses and one pigsty for weaned piglets two weeks before the end of the production cycle. To calculate the number of adult flies, we have placed in each selected pigsty the flytraps (sticky tapes) “Mukholov-Proshka” produced in St. Petersburg. The trap has an adhesive base containing rosin, rubber and mineral oil. Traps were placed at 1 and 2 m from the floor, six traps in each room. The number of adhered insects was calculated at the laboratory of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of animals and plants named after K.I. Skryabin, 24 hours after placement of traps. To calculate the number of fly larvae and pupae, in cooperation with the pig farm veterinary service the scrapings were taken from the floor with dimensions of 10 × 10 cm (six scrapings from each pigsty). Scrapings with the mass of 3-5 g were placed into individual plastic minicontainers with a particular number and delivered to the laboratory of the Institute for examination. Results and discussion: The study on initial number of adult flies and their larvae conducted two weeks before the end of the previous technological cycle showed a significant insect number at different heights from the floor. In the first pigsty, the number of flies in a flytrap (at a height of 1 and 2 m from the floor) ranged from 199 to 286 ind. Calculated 24 hours after the placement of flytraps; the average number was 257 individuals. In the second pigsty, the number of flies ranged from 108 to 198 individuals; the average number was 147individuals. In the pigsty for weaning piglets, one day after the placement of traps, the number of adult flies in one flytrap ranged from 162 to 286 individuals, and the average number was 249 individuals. The average number of fly larvae in one tested sample taken from the floor of a pigsty was 267 and 118 individuals, and in a pigsty for weaning piglets - 29 individuals.

piggeries, suckled sows, weaned piglets, adult flies and their larvae, background number.


Среди эктопаразитов, которые встречаются в свиноводческих хозяйствах при разной технологии производства, являются клещи, вши, зоофильные мухи и другие.

Весьма часто летом и осенью в свиноводческих хозяйствах и более конкретно в свинарниках отмечают большое скопление мух, которые назойливы, наносят укусы, беспокоят животных и являются источниками постоянных стрессов, что приводит к снижению их продуктивности. Некоторые мухи вызывают порчу животноводческой продукции и комбикормов, заселяя их вредоносными микроорганизмами, а отдельные из них являются промежуточными хозяевами телязиоза, стефанофиляриоза и переносчиками ряда инфекционных болезней.

Обитающие на животноводческих фермах и свинокомплексах мухи относится к отряду Diptera, подотряду Brachycera и по биоразнообразию уступают лишь жукам, бабочкам, перепончатокрылым.


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