Objective of research. The purpose of the study – screening of new chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of hexamita ornamental fish. Materials and methods. The test drugs were performed on juveniles of the discus Symphysodon discus a body mass of 15 g, spontaneously infested hexamitidae (Diplomonadida). 35 discus of the infected individuals were divided into 7 groups of 5 copies of the Fish 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6th groups were appointed in the composition of granulated feed, respectively pyrimethamine at a dose of 50 mg/kg albendazole – 50, fenbendazole – 50, mebendazole – 10, magnesium sulfate – 500 and metronidazole in a dose of 50 mg/kg for 5 days. Fish 7 the first group was control and received feed without the drug. The effectiveness was considered after 5 days after the last Dachi medicated feed. Fish were dissected, the intestines were isolated, which were released from the food pulp, homogenized, and were studied by optical microscopy at a magnification of 180 times. Results and discussion. The number of examined in treated fish compared with the control decreased after the application of metronidazole by 95.5 %, mebendazole – 77.8, magnesium sulfate, which is 74.5, fenbendazole – by 56.6, albendazole – 50.5 and pyrimethamine – 24.4 %. Advanced for further testing are mebendazole, magnesium sulphate, fenbendazole and albendazole. The most effective was a basic drug – metronidazole. During the test degradation of fish were noted. Food activity was moderate at the level of 2% of ichthyomass. In fish treated with metronidazole, mebendazole and magnesium sulfate, have improved the condition.
ornamental fish, hexamita, treatment, metronidazole, mebendazole.
Представителями отряда Diplomonadida являются жгутиконосцы с двойным, симметричным набором органелл. Они паразитируют преимущественно в пищеварительном тракте и желчном пузыре рыб. Жгутиконосцы способны проникать во внутренние органы (печень, почки, селезенку и т.д.), вызывая системные инвазии. При заболевании специфический симптом – «дырочная болезнь», проявляется у многих видов ценных декоративных рыб [1].
Согласно данным литературы [3], все распространенные на территории РФ дипломонадиды могут быть отнесены к роду Hexamita Dyjardin, 1838. В отечественной литературе описано одно заболевание – гексамитоз (октомитоз), вызываемое Hexamita truttae Schmidt, 1920.
Поражения паразитическими простейшими встречаются у 17,7 % партий импортируемых рыб. С учетом вторичных бактериальных осложнений этот показатель возрастает до 36,1 % [2]. Проблема заключается не только в появлении на территории РФ большого числа больных особей, но и в возможности завоза новых, ранее не зарегистрированных на территории РФ, паразитов.
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