This article presents the features of the use of the recognition algorithm of the text by method "slitherring widening window" for coding the plural reasons to deaths. The used algorithm dynamically "adjusts" degree of the coincidence and finds the most similar variant, as well as allows to recognize the text with grammatical errors and with ceased word in wording of the reason to deaths. The authors propose three variants to realization of the recognition algorithm of the text, that increase the speed of action. The first variant is based on the elimination of one of its replacement cycle by calculating the simultaneous windows with different sizes (1 to 16). The second variant is based on the pre-filter, for example, by scanning three letters, and the use of the intermediate base for receiving the filtered information. This option allows you to reduce the amount of sorted data and thereby increases performance. The third variant based on the filtering, involves sorting information in the query executed on the basis of previous information query filtration. The advantages and disadvantages identified for each option. The results were evaluated on the speed of action and accuracy of recognition. In this framework, there were 8472 languages used for encoding of multiple causes of death. The described analysis is useful in developing a software module used to register mortality. It is recom-mended the third option, based on the filter, to implement the language Visual C ++.
recognition, algorithm, database, searching, estimation.
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