Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of research is to increase protective and adaptive reactions, the service and the working potential of an organism of dogs through the use of DHQ. The article presents the results of an experiment to the effect of DHQ on the dynamics of hematological parameters of dogs blood. Dihydroquercetin – an active antioxidant, a natural scavenger of oxygen free radicals, hepatoprotective, has anti-inflammatory action due to limitations of the formalin edema and histamine, and inhibits the formation of serous fluid, pain killers, immunocorrectional properties. Due to the high complexing properties it displays the body of heavy metals, including radionuclides, it helps to restore the tone of blood vessels, normalization of the lipid spectrum of the blood and slows the development of atherosclerotic plaques. Investigations were carried out in Dogs State Service Ministry of I A of Russia zonal center in Samara Region by clinically healthy of dog breed German Shepherd, age 2-4 years with an average body weight of 30 kg on the background conditions and feeding, adopted by the enterprise. Dogs experimental group received Dihydroquercetin to 0.001 g/kg body weight dose once a day with food. When added to the basic diet Dihydroquercetin dog experimental group show an increase in indicators such as red blood cells – by 18.3% (p<0.01), hemoglobin – by 11.7% (p <0.01) hematocrit – 7.1% (p<0.01), white blood cells – by 9.1% (p<0.05) compared to control data. The research results give reason to believe that the use of dietary supplements in Dihydroquercetin in dogs diet dose 0.001 g/kg allows significantly increase the morphological and physiological indicators of animal organism. In this case a significant increase erythrocytes and hemoglobin and hematocrit indicates increased oxidative metabolism and function of the intensity of the blood in dogs treated with the drug, and increase in the blood indicates an increase in immune status.

Dihydroquercetin, blood, dog, erythrocytes, leukocytes

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