studies. The most important development indicators of the level and quality of life of the population in the region are the state and tendencies of development of consumer market in the conditions of establishment of market relations. State regulations of the consumer market is performed, on the one hand, through automatic advantages, i.e. offering and demand, prices and competition, and, on the other hand, presents by the factors management appointments. Using administrative methods of influence, the regional governments regulate such processes as privatization, the deployment of new enterprises, and the attraction of foreign capital. The integrated approach allows ensuring the normal functioning of the regional consumer market. Trade is the most important sector of the consumer market. In this regard, the realization of the major areas of functioning and development of regional consumer market is closely connected with the strategy of trade development. Combined methods and forms of regulation should be the basis of the modern regulation of the market of consumer goods and services, therefore, in order to improve the effectiveness and implementation of unified state policy it is necessary to create the Concept of development of the consumer market of Moscow region The need for the development of the concept of marketing management is determined by the structural characteristics of the regional consumer market at present and observed change in the payment demand of the population. The article offers directions of implementation of this concept that will allow realizing the goals and objectives of all market participants. The necessity for using marketing tools in the regulation of the consumer market at the macro and meso-levels is caused by the goals of the state, among which the most important is the significance of its social policy, focused on improving the welfare of the population
consumer market, marketing technologies, marketing tools, concept of consumer market development, target indicators, market mechanism, government regulation
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