Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the relevance of the development of tourism for people with disabilities and highlights the issue of potential and relevance of the organization of the caravan tours as part of adaptive tourism in Russia. The authors point out the positive results of the development of the tourist destination, and also list the main shortcomings and constraining factors of realization caravanning in the country. The authors have conducted "pilot" survey among tourists with special needs and summed it up. The research results demonstrate perceptivity of development of caravan tours for people with disabilities. But it is a great work must be done to this kind of trailering became popular. First of all it is necessary to adapt the infrastructure of tourist sites for specific requirements of customer with disabilities (lifts, handrails, ramps, wide doorways, special sanitary zones for wheelchair users, adapted furniture, etc.), special attention should be paid to camp organization parking (specialized sanitary facilities, recreational facilities, catering places, etc.). Development of a socially oriented tourist destination, where the client could be provided with the convenience and security, as well as the considerate treatment of staff (hospitality workers, medical and social services and transport services) during the entire trip, is very important for the organization of tours for people with special needs.

adaptive tourism, caravanning, caravan tour, motorhome, camper with special needs

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