The necessity for specialists in the field of human relations arises when management companies and their personnel need for an intermediary regulation of social and labor issues. Appointments that are similar in function to the duties of the modern HR-specialists emerged in the early twentieth century. At that time the main task of human resource managers included the rapid accumulation of experience and knowledge, the mastering of management tools. Later, many companies felt the need to form a comprehensive human resource management systems: motivation, adaptation, evaluation, effectiveness of staff and others. Professional role of HR manager in modern conditions increases significantly and includes everything that is connected with the activities of personnel at the enterprises. This places HR-specialists before challenges to adapt to rapid changes in the external environment of the organization, to adapt the management skills to the aims and objectives of the rapidly developing business. Currently, at the enterprises with established management processes came to the fore "soft factors", so-called virtual reality business, when main attention is paid to the climate in the team, staff loyalty, values and motivational settings of employees. The use of these factors demands from the НR manager the acquisition and expansion of professional competences. Modern HR-specialist should be able to make decisions and take responsibility, to convince and lead the team. HR manager has moved to the rank of equitable manager, which may affect a business strategy of company. His professional role in tourism enterprise has increased, and it forces HR-manager to work on his image, improve his professional skills and develop personal qualities.
personnel, personnel management, professional role of the manager and director of human resources
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