Russian Federation
The article presents an approach to the development of international indicators of education for sustainable development. It could aff ord to increase the comparability of the results of the global monitoring in diff erent countries. The problem of comparability of the results of national monitoring systems requires coordination of a number of indicators at the global level. However, some indicators are understood quite clearly, others are far from global comparability. There is no universal language of general scientifi c categories of sustainable development. It is not clear what skills for sustainable development are equally important for people all over the world. Reaching a global consensus on these issues is hampered by diff erences in the curriculum of diff erent countries and national cultures. We discuss the use of the universal fl exible modules in global tracking that can be used in diff erent ways in diff erent countries. The feasibility of building monitoring “bottom-up” is justifi ed. The need for using specifi c cultural concepts of ESD in diff erent countries (groups of) is discussed. This may contribute to make a global semantic fi eld of sustainable development ideas in variety forms of their metaphorical representation. It is proposed to supplement the subject of the global monitoring with dynamics of everyday concepts of sustainable development.
education for sustainable development, global monitoring, comparability of national results.
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