Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the experience of the organization of event tourism and event management in the framework of the historical reconstruction in Spain. For consideration of the involved material of historical reenactment at Castillo Conde de Alfaz and Villajoyosa, which is part of the popular tourist centre of Spain. These tourist destinations are located in the area of Benidorm, attracting a large number of Spanish and foreign tourists, not only due to the unique natural conditions (combination of sea beaches, mountains and numerous cultural and commercial centre of Benidorm), but also due to the possibility to dive into one of the most striking historical eras of Spain – ​middle Ages, thanks to well-organized historical reconstruction. The article considers the main forms and methods of historical reconstruction, contributing to the successful promotion of tourism products. The material can serve as a guide for organizers of tourism and potential tourists interested in the history and culture of Spain.

tourism, event tourism and event management, tourism in Spain, historical reenactment in Spain

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