Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the topical problem of formation of color perception of children of preschool and younger school age in artistic and creative activities. The perception of color is defined by the authors as the process of understanding color, which basic laws are integrity, understanding, apperception, selectivity and constancy. Analysis of the age stages of formation of color perception led to the conclusion that the stages are associated with the environment in which a child grows: experience of color perception in reality, in works of fine art and experience of the own artistic and creative activities, expert help of the teacher. Therefore, the formation of color perception skills of children of preschool and younger school age needs systematic work in the dynamics of preschool children development of colour standards through the expansion of the primary school children’s views about the color and perfection of color skills to the cognition of color as a tool of the artist, which is able to express feelings, emotions and relation. The authors developed methodological recommendations for the formation of color vision in children of preschool and younger school age: the active position of a teacher, the creation of an atmosphere of co-creation, experimentation; demonstration of techniques for working with color; the organization of perception process of art works, including the analysis of a color system in art and nature; the creation of a special aesthetic environment of a group class. The results of the study can be used in the process of teaching and learning fine arts in the design of individual routes of teachers self-education and personality developing educational technologies in system of improvement of teachers professional skill.

color perception, process of teaching fine arts, means of artistic expression

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