The main risk of loss of market value of labor power is known as the onset of old age, when most (and then all citizens) lose their physical and mental ability to perform work functions. In a civilized country economic responsibility for the maintenance in old age (et al. Associated with disability risks) is divided between the man himself along with his employer and the state. However, the proportion of participation in fi nancial support to pensioners seriously adjusted in diff erent national pension systems, depending on the historical and social traditions, as well as the specifi c macroeconomic and demographic factors. Currently in our country came together in a complex site all the negative factors that determine the material support of pensioners. This is primarily the ongoing demographic crisis (increase in life expectancy of certain categories of the population) and deepening the lingering fi nancial crisis, which took into its sphere and the state budget It is proved that the pension rights of workers in the market environment are inextricably linked to labor rights. The more complex and mutually intertwined these rights in insurance economic relations formation of pension rights for Krohn corporate groups, and for each insured person.
insured persons, the employment and pension rights, macroeconomic parameters, the retirement age, strategic planning, long-term forecasting, actuarial, life expectancy, demographic strategy, insurance pension, budget crisis, budget transfers.
В современной мировой практике государств с социально ориентированной экономикой граждане, достигшие пенсионного возраста, и пенсионная система в целом рассматриваются как единый интегрированный комплекс трудового потенциала цивилизованного государства. В нашей стране такой подход к пенсионному обеспечению постепенно исчез в процессе так называемых либерально-рыночных реформ по причине того, что человек участвует в рыночных отношениях исключительно как рабочая сила на рынке труда, и как только он утрачивают свою потребительскую стоимость, то он выпадает из каких-либо экономических отношений.
Синэргический эффект перечисленных кризисных явлений окончательно подорвал так и не сформировавшуюся на основе страховых рыночных механизмах систему экономических отношений пенсионера-работодателя и государства, что сделало пенсионера самым уязвимым объектом «антикризисных мероприятий».
Уже осуществлен секвестр прав пенсионеров на адекватную компенсацию инфляционных потерь накопленных пенсионных прав, резко ограничены права на пенсию работающих пенсионеров, аннулированы конверсионные права советского пенсионного стажа по возмещению базовой составляющей пенсии и многое другое.
На повестке дня стоит вопрос об окончательном решении проблемы пенсионного возраста.
1. Analiticheskij doklad «Itogi pensionnoj reformy i dolgosrochnye perspektivy razvitija pensionnoj sistemy RF s uchetom vlijanija mirovogo finansovogo krizisa». MZSR – 2012 [Analytical report “The results of the pension reform and long-term prospects of the pension system of the Russian Federation in view of the global financial crisis.” MZSR - 2012].
2. Doklad Vsemirnogo banka «Perevernutaja piramida: sistemy pensionnogo obespechenija pered licom demograficheskih problem v stranah Evropy i central’noj Azii». VB -2011. [The World Bank’s “inverted pyramid: the pension system in the face of demographic challenges in Europe and Central Asia” report. WB -2011].
3. Doklad Vsemirnogo banka «Reforma sistemy pensionnogo obespechenija v Rossii: struktura i realizacija» 2008 [The World Bank’s report “Reforming the pension system in Russia: structure and implementation of the” 2008].
4. Doklad MVF po strane № 13/310. Rossijskaja Federacija. Konsul’tacii 2013 goda v sootvetstvii so stat’ej IV soglashenija MVF [IMF Country Report № 13/310. Russian Federation. Consultations 2013 in accordance with Article IV of the IMF agreement].
5. Koncepcija demograficheskoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 goda, utverzhdennaja Ukazom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 09.10.2007 № 135 [Russian demographic policy concept for the period up to 2025, approved by Presidential Decree of 09.10.2007 number 135].
6. Kudrin A., Gurvich E. Starenie naselenija i ugroza bjudzhetnogo krizisa [The aging population and the threat of fiscal crisis]. Voprosy jekonomiki [Problems of Economics]. 2012, I. 3.
7. Osnovnye napravlenija dejatel’nosti Pravitel’stva Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2018 goda (novaja redakcija). Utverzhdeny 14 maja 2015 goda Pravitel’stvom Rossijskoj Federacii [The main activities of the Russian Federation for the period until 2018 (new edition). Approved May 14, 2015 the Russian Federation Government].
8. Solov’ev A.K. «K voprosu o povyshenii pensionnogo vozrasta» [On the question of raising the retirement age]. Moscow, Finansy Publ., 2015, I. 6, pp. 58-64
9. Solov’ev A.K. «Povyshenie pensionnogo vozrasta v Rossijskoj Federacii: demograficheskie uslovija i makrojekonomicheskie posledstvija» [Raising the retirement age in the Russian Federation: the demographic conditions and macro-economic consequences]. Jekonomicheskaja politika [Economic Policy]. 2015, I. 3, pp. 180-192
10. Solov’ev A.K. «Povyshenie pensionnogo vozrasta: demograficheskie uslovija i makrojekonomicheskie riski» [Raising the retirement age demographic conditions and macroeconomic risks]. Jekonomist [Economist]. 2015, I. 7.
11. Solov’ev A.K. Pensionnaja reforma: illjuzii i real’nost’ [Pension reform: Illusions and Reality]. Moscow, OOO «Prospekt» Publ., 2014, pp. 4–296.
12. Strategija dolgosrochnogo razvitija pensionnoj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii, utverzhdennaja rasporjazheniem Pravitel’stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 25.12.2012 № 2524-r, opredeljajushhaja celi, zadachi i napravlenija sovershenstvovanija rossijskoj pensionnoj sistemy [The long-term development strategy of the pension system of the Russian Federation, approved by the Federal Government from 25.12.2012 number 2524-p, which determines the goals, objectives and directions of improvement of the Russian pension system].
13. Strategija-2020: Novaja model’ rosta — novaja social’naja politika. Itogovyj doklad o rezul’tatah jekspertnoj raboty po aktual’nym problemam social’no-jekonomicheskoj strategii Rossii na period do 2020 goda [Strategy 2020: New Growth Model — a new social policy. The final report on the results of expert work on topical issues of socio-economic strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020]. Book 1. Moscow, Izdatel’skij dom «Delo» RANHiGS Publ., 2013. 430 p.