Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Tourism in the Russian Federation is developing rapidly, exerting a significant influence on socio-economic processes of the regions. This influence can be followed especially strong in certain types of tourism: rural tourism and of one of its directions - agro-tourism. Today, agrotourism is quite new trend of territory development, including and Moscow region, but it has already proven itself. The Moscow region has enormous resources and great, but at the same time not fully realized potential, unique cultural heritage, history and unique nature for the possible development of agro-tourism. The Moscow region has enormous resources and great, but at the same time not fully realized potential, unique cultural heritage, history and nature. All this can be used for agrotourism development. Moscow region occupies a worthy place in the Russian Federation by the number of sites of cultural heritage. The famous manor complexes, the city with unique architecture, historical monuments and other are situated in the region. The article considers the potential of agrotourism of Moscow region, the available resources and agro-tourism complexes that are already working across the territory of localities near Moscow. Moscow region has all development prerequisites for this type of tourism. This conclusion can be done based on what has already been achieved in this area. Such well-known agrotourism complexes as "Kuznetsova", "Konovalovo", "Olkhovo" are the examples.

agrotourism, resources of agrotourism, potential, touristic potential, Moscow region

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