The authors define the concept of "an industrial service", consider the specific features of the industrial service and give its classification. The authors also confirm that services for reconditioning, modernization and maintenance of the equipment of enterprises and life support systems are currently most in demand. Execution of these works requires creating specialized service centers. The main their tasks include reconditioning and modernization of equipment, consultation, exchange of used equipment on the restored or new, post-warranty maintenance, diagnostic, fabrication of equipment parts on request. The development factors of service centers are identified and justified; they include specialization of service centers, a labor division between the functional of customer and service center, as well as large investments in research and development of new technologies. The article shows that an important role in promoting the service center plays a well-developed marketing system. The authors propose the algorithm of work with the customer service centers, discuss in detail all the stages, and also state that correct assessment of possible risks has considerable importance. Correct organization of the service centers work contributes to the formation of capital-intensive and profitable industrial services market, in which will invest as the large service companies, as their customers. All this will create an extensive network of specialized service centers that perform high quality repair work using innovative technologies and, as a consequence, the conditions for sustainable development of industrial services in the Russian Federation.
industrial services, technological equipment, specialized service centers, reconditioning and modernization of the equipment
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