The article examines the features of organization of distance education at the higher school of Russia. It is emphasized that high-tech, innovative nature of the development of the education system envisages the expansion of the spectrum of fundamental and applied scientific studies, deepening the integration of science, education and production, the modernization of educational content, educational technologies and educational environment, training and coaching, causes certain changes in the organizational structure of the education system and administration of educational activities, and also requires a targeted, adequate and timely funding. The author points out that from a technological point of view this character cause: informatization of education, the emergence of new ICT-based pedagogical and learning technologies and the latest learning tools, the creation and use of pedagogical systems of modern, computer-oriented learning environment, gradual formation and development of computer-technological platform of information educational space.
distance education, higher education, telecommunications, computer equipment, educational resources, educational environment, information technology, virtual learning environment.
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