October branch of Russian Railways uses 8 self-moving rail diagnostic systems manufactured by the company TVEMA at different times. The article gives a comparative analysis of the systems. The most attention is given to the systems MTKP and SEVER. The both systems are designed for continuous monitoring and track condition estimation at the testing speed up to 60 km/h. They are equipped with a flaw detecting bogie and an ultrasonic multichannel flaw detector; software of both complexes allows the display of signals of all channels to be obtained at any of the scanning patterns. Magnetic inspection is also possible with the both systems. SEVER is the latest system and it gives more options for track testing than MTKP. It has an HD video surveillance system for image recording and storage; a 9-channel (against a 6-channel at MTKP) newest UT flaw detector as well as very well organized living conditions. However SEVER has some disadvantages, for example it does not have a magnetizing system, which reduces the efficiency of magnetic inspection. Unfortunately, there are problems connected with organization of management and personnel subordination. Inspectors are managed by the “Diagnostic and Monitoring Center of Infrastructure Devices” whereas the drivers and the moving unit are administered by the “Division for Repair and Maintenance of Track Machines”. The interaction rules between the two organizations are still unapproved. Nevertheless the both systems have proved to be reliable and effective means for rail inspection. The potential of the self-moving systems is far from being exhausted: they may be equipped with any diagnostic devices, used for inspection trips, work teams transportation and so on. Thus, with proper operation and timely maintenance, the SEVER and MTKP systems represent a powerful tool for NDT of rails, and, therefore, for safety of the railway traffic in the whole.
motorailer, bogie, self-moving diagnostic system, multichannel UT flaw detector, rail NDT
1. Tarabrin V. F., Kislyakovskiy O. N., Saraev S. V. V mire NK [NDT World]. 2014, no. 3(65), pp. 74–80 (in Russ.).
2. Tarabrin V. F., Kislyakovskiy O. N., Kononov D. A. V mire NK [NDT World]. 2013, no. 2(60), pp. 66–68 (in Russ.).2013. №2. S. 66–68.