Objective of research. To study monieziasis in cattle from dairy cattle farms in Vologda region. Materials and methods. Basic issues in epizootology, biology, ecology of moniezia and their intermediate hosts were investigated in 2006–2015; measures for treatment and prevention were elaborated. Results and discussion. Moniezia invasion in various climatic and geographic zones of the region manifested in different ways. The highest level of invasion was registered in the Northwestern zone. It was determined that cattle were mostly parasitized by Moniezia expansa, Rudolphi, 1810, M. benedeni, Moniez, 1879, M. autumnalia, Kuznetsov, 1967 where M. benedeni, Moniez, 1879 was dominating. Cattle, whichhave been grazing already, are infested by moniezia all year round. The maximum intensity of moniezia invasion in the given cattle group was observed in autumn. Along with the increase in invasion intensity,the amount of helminth eggs in faeces from infected animals also increased. First signs of infestation of calves of the first grazing season by moniezia cysticercoidswere observed at the beginning of the pasture season due to Oribatei ticks infectedwith moniezia, which have overwintered.Calves of the current yearare mostly infested by moniezia.Tick infestations of different types of pastures is different. According to our data,artificial pastures of the first year application are the safest for grazing.There is a risk to be infested by moniezia on the grazing yards, holding enclosures as well as in feeding rolled bales of hay, which are prepared on unfavorable plots. The most effective preparations for dehelminthization against monieziaare Homicide and Fezol. According to the a.m., the measures for treatment and prevention of cattle cestodosis in Non-Black Earth Zone of the Russian Federation have been developed.
helminthiasis, monieziasis, epizootology, ecology, biology, treatment, prevention, cattle, Vologda region.
Вологодская область занимает одно из лидирующих положений среди субъектов Российской Федерации по производству молочной продукции. В области на 1 января 2015 года насчитывалось 162400 голов крупного рогатого скота (в том числе 76200 коров), было надоено 444800 т молока (5,8 т на одну корову).Общая площадь земельных угодий области 14,4 млн. га, из которых порядка 10 % используются под сенокосы и пастбищные угодья. Несмотря на интенсивный перевод животных на круглогодичное стойловое содержание в ряде хозяйств области, пастбищное содержание крупного рогатого скота на Вологодчине по-прежнему актуально и практикуется в большинстве животноводческих хозяйств региона.
В связи с использованием пастбищных угодий по-прежнему актуальной остается и
проблема инвазированности животных биогельминтозами, в частности, мониезиями. Данный гельминтоз широко распространен на территории Вологодской области и причиняет скотоводческим хозяйствам региона значительный экономический ущерб [1,4,12, 13].
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