Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Fundamental and applied studies on the regularities of formation and functioning of parasitic systems and their components in natural and agricultural biocenoses of different ecological and climatic zones in Russian Federation and some CIS countrieswere carried out. Monitoring and forecast of epizootic situation on parasitic diseases in farm animals and wild life was conducted. Methods for prevention and fight against parasitoses were elaborated. Search for the next generation of diagnostic tools and complex remedies for protection of animals was conducted.

parasitoses, epizootology, zoonoses, immunty, diagnostics, antiparasitic drugs, scientific-technical programs.

15 марта 2016 года во ВНИИП фундаментальной и прикладной паразитологии животных и растений им. К.И. Скрябина прошло координационное совещание по итогам выполнения плана научных исследований по ветеринарной паразитологии за 2015 год. В рамках выполнения координируемых НТП участвовали 35 научных учреждений Российской федерации и 5 НУ из стран СНГ и определены задачи на последующие 5 лет.


За отчетный период разработан кратковременный прогноз возможного развития эпизоотической ситуации по пастбищным гельминтозам животных на территории России [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ……..29].


1. Arisov M.V., Magomedshapiev G.M. Some epizootic aspects of distributon of cattleixodidosis in different landscape zones of the Republic of Dagestan. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2015, no 1, pp. 35-40.

2. Arisov M.V., Magomedshapiev G.M., Kurochkina K.G., Uspenskiy A.V., Malahova E.I., Novik T.S., Koveshnikova E.I. New remedies for medical and preventive treatment againstixodidosis in cattle in livestock farms of the Republic of Dagestan. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2015, no. 2, pp. 65-70.

3. Andrejanov O.N., Skvortsova F.K. Resistance of Trichinella larvae in adipose tissueof the skin of fur animals. Materialy dokladov nauchnoj konferencii «Teorija i praktika bor’by s parazitarnymi boleznjami». [Proceedings of the scientific conf. «Theory and practice ofstruggle against parasitic diseases»]. Moscow, 2013, i. 14, pp. 19-21.

4. Andreyanov O.N., Samoylovskaya N.A., Konyaev S.V. Opisthorchosis found in redfox (Vulpesvulpes) from Ryazan region. Rossijskij veterinarnyj zhurnal [Russian Veterinary Journal], 2012, no. 3, pp. 18-20.

5. Vlasov E.A., Malysheva N.S., Vagin N.A., Samofalova N.A., Samoylovskaya N.A., Malahova E.I., Gorohov V.V. Helminthes in carnivores of Central Black Earth Nature Reserve. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2014, no. 3, pp. 7-12.

6. Varlamova A.I., Dolgoshev V.A., Sadov K.M., Belova E.E., Glamazdin I.I., Halikov S.S., Chistyachenko Ju.S., Dushkin A.V., Durdusov S.D., Arhipov I.A. Anthelmintic efficacy of supramolecular complexes against gastrointestinal strongylatosis in sheep under production conditions. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2015, no. 1, pp. 71-74.

7. Gorohov V.V., Samoylovskaya N.A., Skira V.N. Forecast of the epizootic situationon main animal helminthosis in the Russian Federation. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2013, no. 4, pp. 57-59.

8. Gorohov V.V., Samoylovskaya N.A., Uspenskiy A.V., Klenova I.F., Peshkov R.A., Puzanova E.V., Moskvin A.S. Current epizootic situation and forecast on main helminthosis in Russia for the year 2015. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2015, no.1, pp. 41 45.

9. Gorohov V.V., Skira V.N., Peshkov R.A., Puzanova E.V. Epizootic situation on mainanimal helminthosis. Materialy dokladov nauchnoj konferencii «Teorija i praktika bor’by s parazitarnymi boleznjami». [Proceedings of the scientific conf. «Theory and practice of struggle against parasitic diseases»]. Moscow, 2014, no.15, pp. 77-79.

10. Kokolova L.M., Isakov S.I., Platonov T.A., Gavril’eva L. Ju., Grigor’ev I.I., Ivanova Z.K., Stepanova S.M. Infection diseases in farm animals of Yakutia. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2015, no.1, pp. 46-52.

11. Marchenko V.A., Vasilenko Yu.A. Structure of the helminth complex in sheep of Gorny Altai and efficacy of antiparasitic suspension against sheep helminthosis. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2015, no. 1, pp. 7-14.

12. Murtazoev D.M., Pulotov M.B., Fajzullaev U.F., Akramov Sh.M. Blood-sucking mosquitoes in Batkensk region of Kyrgyzstan. Materialy dokladov nauchnoj konferencii «Teorija i praktika bor’by s parazitarnymi boleznjami». [Proceedings of the scientific conf. «Theory andpractice of struggle against parasitic diseases»]. Moscow, 2014, i. 15, pp. 169-170.

13. Mutuev S.Sh., Ataev A.M. Age-related dynamics of sheep infestation by Strongylata of respiratory tract in plain zones of Dagestan. Materialy dokladov nauchnoj konferencii «Teorija i praktika bor’by s parazitarnymi boleznjami». [Proceedings of the scientific conf. «Theory andpractice of struggle against parasitic diseases»]. Moscow, 2014, i. 15, pp. 171-172.

14. Samoylovskaya N.A. Parasitological monitoring of forest lands in Losiny Ostrov National Park. Voprosy normativno-pravovogo regulirovanija v veterinarii [Issues of statutory regulation inveterinary]. St. Petersburg, 2012, no. 4/1, pp. 44-46.

15. Samoylovskaya N.A. Ecology of helminths in wild ruminants in Losiny Ostrov National Park. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2013, no. 3, pp. 45-49.

16. Samoylovskaya N.A. Methodical guidelines for prevention of parasitic diseases inelks on natural territories of Russia. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2012, no. 3, pp. 133-136.

17. Samoylovskaya N.A., Gorohov V.V., Malahova E.I. Methods of epizootological screening of elks for strongylatosis in natural areas of preferential protection. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2013, no.1, pp. 113-120.

18. Safiullin R.T., Murzakov R.R., Tashbulatov A.A. Methodical guidelines for the struggleag ainst chicken eimeriosis by different raising technologies in central area of Russia. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2013, no. 4, pp. 117-119.

19. Safiullin R.T. Distribution of parasitic diseases in pigs of different ages and structure of parasitocenosis co-members. Materialy dokladov nauchnoj konferencii «Teorija i praktika bor’by s parazitarnymi boleznjami». [Proceedings of the scientific conf. «Theory and practice of struggleagainst parasitic diseases»]. Moscow, 2013, i. 14, pp. 353-357.

20. Safiullin R.T., P.V. Novikov P.V., Bondarenko L.A. Contamination of environmentalobjects (poultry farms) with Eimeria oocysts. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2013, no. 4, pp. 46-53.

21. Uspenskiy A.V. Coordination of scientific research in veterinary parasitology. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2012, no. 2, pp. 117-120.

22. Uspenskiy A.V., Malahova E.I., Ershova T.A. Current situation on parasitic diseases and struggle measures against them in Russian and CIS countries. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2014. no. 2, pp. 43-51.

23. Uspenskiy A.V., Skvortsova F.K. Method of the veterinary and sanitary expertiseof meat of commercial animals at parasitic zoonoses. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2014, no. 3, pp. 151-156.

24. Uspenskiy A.V., Ershova T.A. The main results of scientific research according to the Interdepartmental and Interstate Science program in 2013. Materialy dokladov nauchnoj konferencii «Teorija i praktika bor’by s parazitarnymi boleznjami». [Proceedings of the scientificconf. «Theory and practice of struggle against parasitic diseases»]. Moscow, 2014, i. 15, pp. 12-13.

25. Uspenskiy A.V., Gorohov V.V. Parazitarnye zoonozy [Parasitic zoonoses]. Moscow, 2012. 335 p.

26. Uspenskiy A.V., Malahova E.I., Shubaderov V.Ya. Coordination of scientific and technical programs in veterinary parasitology (Coordinating Council of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russia). Russian Journal of Parasitology. Moscow. 2015. V. 2. P. 49-60.

27. Shihalieva M.A., Bittirova M.I., Mantaeva S.Sh., Yusupova Z.H. Number and association of parasites in cattle and goat in the North-Caucasian region. Rossijskij parazitologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2014, no. 4, pp. 16-21.

28. Samoylovskaya N.A., Uspenskiy A.V., Gorohov V.V., Kurochkina K.G., Moskvin A.S. Influence factors on infection with Taeniahydatigena, larvae of wild ruminants in the National Park «Losiny Ostrov» («Elk Island»), Moscow, Russia. The American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP) will hold the 59th Annual Meeting on July 26th-29th 2014 in Denver, CO. 2014, pp. 90-91.

29. Samoylovskaya N., Uspenskiy A., Maklakova L., Gorohov V., Malahova E., Kurochkina K., Moskvin A., Berejko V., Kiseleva V. Parasite infection of elks in areas of park «Losiny ostrov», Moscow, Russia. British Society For Parasitology — «BSP Autumn Symposium2014 — Disease Ecology — ecosystems, wildlife and human health», 17-18 September at the University of Salford’s Media City Campus. 2014, pp. 75-77.

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