Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the development problems and prospects of health tourism in the Republic of Crimea. Currently, Crimea attracts an increased interest from tourists around the world. However, logistical support of medical and health institutions of the peninsula does not meet European standards of comfort and quality of service. Organization of medical and health services under conditions of health resort treatment offered to tourists, guests of the Crimea, is the subject of research. Hypothesis of the study is the assumption that a detailed and quality analysis of providing health tourism services will help to identify the main problems of the Crimean health resorts and recreational facilities. Generalization of the research results will determine prospects and main directions of health tourism development, which meet the international standards. In its turn this will help the Republic of Crimea to become a competitive tourism resort on world tourism market in the area of health tourism. After joining the Crimea to the Russian Federation, the stabilization of economic situation and the accelerated development of the region as a part of Russia is the first priority; therefore results of the study will be valuable for Crimean economy. Improving the quality of service and renovation of the material and technical base of medical and health institutions in the peninsula will significantly increase the number of tourists from the Russia, CIS and foreign countries at any time of the year. Such a factor as the "seasonality" of rest should not interfere with potential Russian and foreign tourists to visit Crimea. The research results can be used in solving issues concerning the reconstruction of recreational infrastructure of the peninsula.

health tourism, the Republic of Crimea, Crimean resorts, recreational potential of the region, balneology, balneotherapy, sanatorium-resort industry

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